Martin Tejeda

Product Designer

I'm currently designing for our venture studio at MDSV. By leveraging cutting-edge AI tools and cross-disciplinary skills in UX/UI design and front-end development, I craft innovative, intuitive digital solutions that solve real user problems and leave a lasting impression.

The University Dilemma

Sun Jul 02

The modern university system, while designed to prepare students for their future careers, often falls short of this goal. Instead of fostering creativity and exploring diverse career paths, universities frequently push students into a competitive race for a narrow set of conventional careers. This approach not only limits students' potential but also leads to frequent major changes and career dissatisfaction.

Students fighting over a dollar

Image created with Midjourney

Narrow Focus and Limited Career Guidance

The modern university system, designed to prepare students for their future careers, often falls short of this goal. Instead of fostering creativity and exploring diverse career paths, universities frequently push students into a competitive race for a narrow set of conventional careers.

Universities often funnel students towards traditional career paths such as investment banking, consulting, or law. While these are respectable professions, they represent only a fraction of the career opportunities available to graduates. This narrow focus creates intense competition among students for limited positions, neglects individual passions and skills that don’t fit the conventional mold, and overlooks numerous career possibilities within each major.

Many students find themselves switching majors multiple times throughout their university career, feeling limited by the career options presented to them. University career counselors, while well-intentioned, often lack knowledge about emerging and unconventional career paths, reinforcing the narrow perspective that the university system already promotes.

NewCareers Platform

This is precisely why we are building NewCareers. Our platform aims to expose college students to many unconventional, tech-forward careers within their majors, without them having to switch majors. NewCareers showcases hundreds of career applications for each major, many of which are not typically discussed in traditional career counseling sessions.

We emphasize emerging careers that leverage new technologies and innovations, preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow. Instead of encouraging major-switching, we help students discover exciting career paths within their chosen field of study.

By exposing students to a wider range of career options, we aim to reduce the intense competition for a limited number of conventional roles. This approach not only broadens students’ horizons but also helps create a more diverse and innovative workforce.

Broadening Horizons and Fostering Innovation

The current university system, with its focus on competition and conventional career paths, is failing to adequately prepare students for the diverse and rapidly evolving job market. NewCareers seeks to bridge this gap by providing students with a broader perspective on their career possibilities, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future without the pressure to conform to traditional expectations.

By expanding students’ career horizons, we hope to create a more diverse, innovative, and satisfied workforce for the future. NewCareers is not just a platform; it’s a movement towards a more inclusive and forward-thinking approach to career development in higher education.